kegiatan misi kami adalah memberikan pendampingan dan pembinaan kepada anak-anak yang berasal dari keluarga tidak mampu. kami memberikan pembinaan tentang kerohanian, bimbingan belajar, dan kegiatan-kegiatan bermain yang menunjang pembentukan karakter mereka. kami juga memberikan pendampingan berupa konseling dan doa.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
What Happens with Banyumas?
ada fenomena yang sangat mengherankan saya. ada gereja-gereja yang tampaknya berapi-api di lain kota begitu masuk Banyumas Purwokerto pada melempem, kayak kehilangan api, dan kurang berkembang. What Happens With Banyumas?
gereja yang kelihatan berkembang malahan gereja mamonism, yang kompromi dengan budaya, atau tidak jujur dalam pelayanan. what happens with Banyumas?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Save Our Child
Yang peduli akan masa depan anak-anaknya.
Tanggal 02 Maret 2009, jam sore, saya segera perintahkan anak saya untuk mematikan televise dan tidak boleh menonton kartun kesayangannya, karena tanpa sengaja saya mendengar tokoh utama kartun animasi itu yaitu akrtun animasi hidaten, ternyata ada kata-kata makian dasar bodoh.
Lewat film-film animasi dan kartun, anak-anak kita belajar memaki, (hampir disetiap film animasi ada makian bodoh, kurang ajar, keparat, dan seribu satu umpatan), anak-anak kita belajar kekerasan (penuh dengan adegan perkelahian, darah, pembunuhan), anak-anak kita belajar berbohong dan menipu, belajar tentang pemalsuan standard cinta (hampir semua kartun animasi menonjolkan tokoh-tokoh yang berpakaian dan berpenampilan yang mempertontonkan aurat, dan belajar menerima kehidupan dunia roh yang penuh dengan arwah-arwah yang baik yang bisa menjadi teman yang diandalkan.
Tanpa disadari apa yang mereka lihat dan dengar itu akan mereka terima sebagai nilai dan falsafah hidup, yang akan mereka bawa sepanjang usia.
Sinetron-sinetron remaja dan anak-anak juga mempertontonkan kekejaman, balas dendam, rebutan kekasih, dan pengandalan roh-roh orang mati dihampir setiap muatan ceritanya. Jangan salahkan siapa siapa ketika banyak kasus kekerasan remaja semakin merajalela. Jangan salahkan siapa-siapa jika banyak terjadi kasus kerasukan dimana-mana, dan budaya seks bebas bukan hanya merambah remaja-remaja metropolitan saja, bahkan remaja-remaja di desa-desa pun sudah banyak yang hidup dalam seks bebas.
Belum lagi film-film agama yang juga bernafaskan klenik, irasional, balas dendam, fanatisme, dan kekejaman, serta tidak lupa selalu ada romantisme sebagai bumbu penyegar yang membuai angan pemirsa.
Dengan segala hal-hal itu semua, mau diarahkan kemana masa depan anak-anak kita? Mau seperti apa moral bangsa kita?
Tidak adakah production house yang terbeban membuat sinetron religius yang inklusif, yang menghargai perbedaan, yang mengedepankan kebersamaan, kebangsaan, dan kasih, tanpa mengorbankan aqidah dari masing-masing agama. Tidak adakah production hosue dan stasiun televise yang terbeban memberikan tayangan yang mengajar tentang kasih, pengampunan, perdamaian, dan kesederhanaan. Nasib masa depan bangsa kita sedang dibentuk di dalam nilai-nilai anak-anak kita. Tidak adakah selebritis-selebritis yang peduli dengan nasib bangsa ini ke depan?
Saudaraku, untuk sesaat lupakan mengenai keuntungan ekonomi, pikirkan anak-anak kita. Untuk sesaat lupakan kesibukan perhatikan pertumbuhan anak-anak kita. Masa depan mereka bukan hanya berarti masa depan mereka sendiri. Masa depan mereka menentukan arah basa depan bangsa.
Save Our Generation
Save Our Generation
Curahan hati seorang hamba Tuhan
yang peduli akan nasib generasi muda dan masa depan bangsa
Kaum muda sekarang sedang menghadapi pemalsuan standard cinta. Sex dipandang sebagai legitimasi atas kekuatan cinta. Luapan perasaan disamakan dengan cinta. Gairah terhadap lawan jenis juga iartikan sebagai cinta. Simak pernyataan ini, saat berhubungan intim disebut sebagai sedang making love(ml), entah saat berhubungan intim tersebut di dasari cinta atau nafsu sebutannya tetap sama making love. Jadi love identik dengan sex. Pria maupun wanita muda Kristen maupun non Kristen telah banyak terjerumus dalam pemalsuan standard moral ini. Cinta (tanpa kasih) dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang sah untuk melakukan hubungan sex.
Pemalsuan standard moral ini memang paling banyak menjerumuskan kaum muda zaman ini. Hal ini dikarenakan secara biologis memang kaum muda telah dapat dianggap dewasa (dewasa menurut kamus bahasa Indonesia adalah kematangan kelamin), tetapi secara kejiwaan mereka sedang labil. Secara tanggung jawab mereka belum matang. Terkadang emosi mereka meledak-ledak, terkadang muncul kesedihan, terkadang muncul kesepian ditengah keramaian, bahkan terkadang muncul khayalan-khayalan erotis pada remaja pria dan romantis pada remaja wanita.
Kelabilan psikologis ini banyak dimanfaatkan oleh kaum kapitalis dengan mempropagandakan cinta yang salah demi meraup keuntungan yang sebesar-besarnya. Kaum kapitalis hanya peduli akan keuntungan semata tanpa mempedulikan bahwa dampak semua itu kehancuran generasi muda. Saksikan tayangan-tayangan film, atau sinetron, lihat mode busana dan kebebasan yang diiklankan, bukankah semua itu menunjukkan ketidak pedulian kaum kapitalis penguasa dan pemilik modal terhadap generasi muda? Informasi-informasi menyesatkan yang diberikan itu akan menjerumuskan kaum muda ke dalam lembah hitam dosa, dan kehancuran masa depan.
Televisi dan media masa sebagai kendaraan kapitalis bukankah lebih mementingkan rating iklan siaran dibandingkan materi siaran? Asal digemari, tanpa peduli etika mereka umbar selepas-lepasnya filosofi-filosofi dan nilai-nilai yang tidak sesuai dengan firman Allah, romantisme-romantisme yang menawarkan keindahan semu yang berujung pada petaka. Media berita televisi yang semestinya memberi informasi yang mendidik, sekarang bukan hanya memberi informasi mengenai adanya tindak kejahatan, tetapi mempertontonkan tidak kejahatan. Bukan hanya memberi informasi mengenai bahaya kekerasan tetapi juga mempertontonkan kekerasan, bukan hanya memberi informasi bahaya seks bebas, tetapi juga mempertontonkan seks bebas, bukan hanya memberi informasi mengenai sebuah produk tetapi mempertontonkan konsumerisme, sehingga alih-alih menjadi media yang mendidik, malahan menjadi media yang memberi inspirasi kejahatan dan tindakan yang mengarah pada imoralitas.
Selamatkan sekarang juga generasi ini.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Summary Of Crusade
A History Of Church War
It is’n crusade. It is Church war. It is’n spiritual war, it is politic, glory, gold, and hegemony. They used word Gospel is only false reason, to manipulate people. This is a history of church war, church terror and violence according Britanica Encyclopaedia.
The age of Iconoclasm: 717–867 The reigns of Leo III (the Isaurian) and Constantine V Almost immediately upon Leo's accession, the empire's fortunes improved markedly. With the aid of the Bulgars, he turned back the Muslim assault in 718 and, in the intervals of warfare during the next 20 years, addressed himself to the task of reorganizing and consolidating the themes in Asia Minor. Thanks to the assistance of the traditional allies, the Khazars, Leo's reign concluded with a major victory, won again at the expense of the Arabs, at Acroenos (740). His successor, Constantine, had first to fight his way to the throne, suppressing a revolt of the Opsikion and Armeniakon themes launched by his brother-in-law Artavasdos. During the next few years, internal disorder in the Muslim world played into Constantine's hands as the 'Abbasid house fought to seize the caliphate from the Umayyads. With his enemy thus weakened, Constantine won noteworthy victories in northern Syria, transferring the prisoners he had captured there to Thrace in preparation for the wars against the Bulgars that were to occupy him from 756 to 775. In no fewer than nine campaigns, he undermined Bulgar strength so thoroughly that the northern enemy seemed permanently weakened, if not crushed. Even the venom used by the iconodule chroniclers of Constantine's reign cannot disguise the enormous popularity his victories won him.In later centuries, the folk of Constantinople would stand by his tomb, seeking his aid against whatever enemy imperiled the city's defenses.Constantine's weak successors His successors all but let slip the gains won by the great iconoclast. Constantine's son Leo IV died prematurely in 780, leaving to succeed him his 10-year-old son, Constantine VI, under the regency of the empress Irene. Not much can be said for Constantine, and Irene's policies as regent and (after the deposition and blinding of her son at her orders) as sole ruler from 797 to 802 were all but disastrous. Her iconodule policies alienated many among the themal troops, who were still loyal to the memory of the great warrior emperor, Constantine V. In an effort to maintain her popularity among the monkish defenders of the icons and with the population of Constantinople, she rebated taxes to which these groups were subject; she also reduced the customs duties levied outside the port of Constantinople, at Abydos and Hieros. The consequent loss to the treasury weighed all the more severely since victories won by the Arabs in Asia Minor (781) and by the Bulgars (792) led both peoples to demand and receive tribute as the price of peace. A revolt of the higher palace officials led to Irene's deposition in 802, and the so-called Isaurian dynasty of Leo III ended with her death, in exile, on the isle of Lesbos.In the face of the Bulgar menace, none of the following three emperors succeeded in founding a dynasty. Nicephorus I (ruled 802–811), the able finance minister who succeeded Irene, reimposed the taxes that the Empress had remitted and instituted other reforms that provide some insight into the financial administration of the empire during the early 9th century. In the tradition of Constantine V, Nicephorus strengthened the fortifications of Thrace by settling, in that theme, colonists from Asia Minor.Taking arms himself, he led his troops against the new and vigorous Bulgar khan, Krum, only to meet defeat and death at the latter's hands. His successor, Michael I Rhangabe (811–813), fared little better; internal dissensions broke up his army as it faced Krum near Adrianople, and the resulting defeat cost Michael his throne. In only one respect does he occupy an important place in the annals of the Byzantine Empire. The first emperor to bear a family name, Michael's use of the patronymic, Rhangabe, bears witness to the emergence of the great families, whose accumulation of landed properties would soon threaten the integrity of those smallholders upon whom the empire depended for its taxes and its military service. The name Rhangabe seems to be a Hellenized form of a Slav original (rokavu), and, if so, Michael's ethnic origin and that of his successor, Leo V the Armenian (ruled 813–820), provide evidence enough of the degree to which Byzantium in the 9th century had become not only a melting-pot society but, further, a society in which even the highest office lay open to the man with the wits and stamina to seize it. Leo fell victim to assassination, but before his death events beyond his control had improved the empire's situation. Krum died suddenly in 814 as he was preparing an attack upon Constantinople, and his son, Omortag, arranged a peace with the Byzantine Empire in order to protect the western frontiers of his Bulgar empire against the pressures exerted by Frankish expansion under Charlemagne and his successors. Since the death of the fifth caliph, Harun ar-Rashid, had resulted in civil war in the Muslim world, hostilities from that quarter ceased. Leo used the breathing space to reconstruct those Thracian cities that the Bulgars had earlier destroyed. His work indicates the degree of gradual Byzantine penetration into the coastal fringes of the Balkan Peninsula, as does the number of themes organized in that same region during the early 9th century: those of Macedonia, Thessalonica, Dyrrhachium, Dalmatia, and the Strymon.The new emperor, Michael II, was indeed able to establish a dynasty—the Amorian, or Phrygian—his son Theophilus (829–842) and his grandson Michael III (842–867) each occupying the throne in turn, but none would have forecast so happy a future during Michael II's first years. Thomas the Slavonian, Michael's former comrade in arms, gave himself out to be the unfortunate Constantine VI and secured his coronation at the hands of the Patriarch of Antioch; this was accomplished with the willing permission of the Muslim caliph under whose jurisdiction Antioch lay. Thomas thereupon marched to Constantinople at the head of a motley force of Caucasian peoples whose sole bonds were to be found in their devotion to iconodule doctrine and their hatred of Michael's Iconoclasm. Assisted by Omortag and relying upon the defenses of Constantinople, Michael defeated his enemy, but the episode suggests the tensions beneath the surface of Byzantine society: the social malaise, the ethnic hostility, and the persisting discord created by Iconoclasm. All these may explain the weakness displayed throughout Theophilus' reign, when a Muslim army defeated the Emperor himself (838) as a prelude to the capture of the fortress of Amorium in Asia Minor. It may also explain the concurrent decline of Byzantine strength in the Mediterranean, manifest in the capture of Crete by the Arabs (826 or 827) and in the initiation of attacks upon Sicily that finally secured the island for the world of Islam. Iconoclasm certainly played its part in the further alienation of East from West, and a closer examination of its doctrines will suggest why this may have been._
canon of the church of Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) and historian of the First Crusade; he gathered oral and written testaments of participants in the crusade and provided an important chronicle on the subject. Little is known about his life; he himself never visited the Holy Land. His work was completed around 1130 and still remains the chief authority on the First Crusade and the history of the Kingdom of Jerusalem until 1120. The sole document on the People's Crusade of 1096, led by Peter the Hermit, Albert's history is a compilation of legends and eyewitness reports.
After King Louis's death in 1137, his successor, Louis VII, rejected Suger's role as principal adviser, and Suger concentrated all of his efforts for the next five years on completing the rebuilding of the church of Saint-Denis, which had fallen into decay. It is believed that he was the inspiration behind many of the architectural innovations employed in the project, which include an original use of the pointed (rather than round) arch and the ribbed vault and extensive use of stained glass, including a rose window in the facade.In 1142 Louis seized lands belonging to his most powerful vassal, Thibaut, count of Champagne. Civil war resulted. The support of the powerful Thibaut had always been vital to the French monarchy, and the young king was making war ferociously and irrationally. Suger stepped in as an active adviser to Louis VII, as he had always done with his father, and negotiated a peace treaty between Thibaut and Louis. The treaty was signed at the dedication ceremony of the church of Saint-Denis, an architectural marvel.As penance for the many lives that he had taken during the war with Thibaut, Louis VII was urged by Bernard of Clairvaux to lead a crusade to free the Holy Land from the Muslims. Suger was strongly opposed to this and tried unsuccessfully to change the king's mind. For the first time Suger stood in opposition to the wishes of the weak, young king as well as those of Bernard and the pope.On June 11, 1147, Louis and Queen Eleanor departed on the Second Crusade. Louis left his crown with Abbot Suger, who was appointed regent in his absence. The Crusade was a disastrous loss, but at home Suger governed well, despite the great financial drain on the funds at his disposal. He devised new and fairer means of taxation, passed laws preventing deforestation, and suppressed a revolt by a group of nobles who planned to make Robert, count of Dreux and brother of Louis VII, king in his absence. When in 1149 Louis returned from the Crusade, many believed that Suger would not return the crown, but they were proved wrong.In 1150 Suger himself, with Bernard, made plans for another crusade. But in 1150, before it was begun, Suger fell ill with malaria. He died in January 1151.Anne F. Rockwell
Pope from 1187 to 1191. He was cardinal bishop of Palestrina when elected pope on Dec. 19, 1187. In October 1187 Jerusalem fell to Saladin, the leader of the Muslim armies, and Clement called the Western princes to undertake the Third Crusade, the results of which were disappointing. In Italy the marriage of the German king Henry VI with Constance, the daughter of King Roger II of Sicily, threatened to unite south Italy with the German crown. Clement tried to avert this union by investing Count Tancred of Lecce with the fief of Sicily. He released the Scottish Church from the jurisdiction of the English see of York (1188), and the church became directly dependent on Rome.
1187, he was able to throw his full strength into the struggle with the Latin crusader kingdoms, his armies were their equals. On July 4, 1187, aided by his own military good sense and by a phenomenal lack of it on the part of his enemy, Saladin trapped and destroyed in one blow an exhausted and thirst-crazed army of crusaders at Hattin, near Tiberias in northern Palestine. So great were the losses in the ranks of the crusaders in this one battle that the Muslims were quickly able to overrun nearly the entire Kingdom of Jerusalem. Acre, Toron, Beirut, Sidon, Nazareth, Caesarea, Nabulus, Jaffa (Yafo), and Ascalon (Ashqelon) fell within three months. But Saladin's crowning achievement and the most disastrous blow to the whole crusading movement came on Oct. 2, 1187, when Jerusalem, holy to both Muslim and Christian alike, surrendered to Saladin's army after 88 years in the hands of the Franks. In stark contrast to the city's conquest by the Christians, when blood flowed freely during the barbaric slaughter of its inhabitants, the Muslim reconquest was marked by the civilized and courteous behaviour of Saladin and his troops.His sudden success, which in 1189 saw the crusaders reduced to the occupation of only three cities, was, however, marred by his failure to capture Tyre, an almost impregnable coastal fortress to which the scattered Christian survivors of the recent battles flocked. It was to be the rallying point of the Latin counterattack. Most probably, Saladin did not anticipate the European reaction to his capture of Jerusalem, an event that deeply shocked the West and to which it responded with a new call for a crusade. In addition to many great nobles and famous knights, this crusade, the third, brought the kings of three countries into the struggle. The magnitude of the Christian effort and the lasting impression it made on contemporaries gave the name of Saladin, as their gallant and chivalrous enemy, an added lustre that his military victories alone could never confer on him.The Crusade itself was long and exhausting, and, despite the obvious, though at times impulsive, military genius of Richard I the Lion-Heart, it achieved almost nothing. Therein lies the greatest—but often unrecognized—achievement of Saladin. With tired and unwilling feudal levies, committed to fight only a limited season each year, his indomitable will enabled him to fight the greatest champions of Christendom to a draw. The crusaders retained little more than a precarious foothold on the Levantine coast, and when King Richard left the Middle East in October 1192, the battle was over. Saladin withdrew to his capital at Damascus.Soon, the long campaigning seasons and the endless hours in the saddle caught up with him, and he died. While his relatives were already scrambling for pieces of the empire, his friends found that the most powerful and most generous ruler in the Muslim world had not left enough money to pay for his grave. Saladin's family continued to rule over Egypt and neighbouring lands as the Ayyubid dynasty, which succumbed to the Mamluks in 1250.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Anekdot Singaktan Gereja
Monday, January 26, 2009
STT Jadi Dukun
Sebab Mesias-mesias palsu dan nabi-nabi palsu akan muncul, dan mereka akan mengadakan tanda-tanda yang dahsyat dan mukjizat-mukjizat, sehingga sekiranya mungkin, mereka menyesatkan orang-orang pilihan juga.
Mat 24:24
Penyesatan memang terjadi sepanjang sejarah umat manusia. Tetapi Alkitab menegaskan bahwa menjelang akhir zaman, penyesatan itu akan semakin dahsyat. Tanda-tandanya sudah semakin nyata, kedatangannya sudah tidak lama lagi. Oleh karena itu penyesatan juga semakin kelihatan dan berani terang-terangan.
Banyak jemaat terkecoh karena tidak mengerti mana ajaran yang benar, sehat dengan ajaran yang salah dan ekstrim (sakit). Mereka berpikir kalau ada mukjizat, dan pakai nama Yesus, berarti itu merupakan ajaran yang benar. Faktanya tidak sesederhana itu dalam mengenali ajaran yang benar dan ajaran sesat. Matius menegaskan kepada kita bahwa mesias-mesias palsu, dan guru-guru palsu tersebut mengadakan tanda-tanda yang dahsyat, dan mukjizat-mukjizat. Dasar untuk mengenali suatu ajaran benar atau sesat adalah berdasarkan firman Tuhan.
Sebuah sekolah teologi di Jogjakarta, mendasarkan pengajarannya pada kitab Wahyu. Pemimpin sekolah tersebut mengaku bahwa dirinyalah satu-satunya orang yang paling menguasai kebenaran kitab wahyu. Dia mengaku mendapatkan kunci yang dapat digunakan untuk menerangkan kebenaran kitab Wahyu.
Sebagaimana dengan cirri-ciri sekte sesat yang mengkultuskan atau memuja pemimpin secara berlebihan dan bersifat ekslusive, penganut ajaran ini pun demikian. Pemimpin begitu dipuja. Setiap kecelakaan yang dialami oleh pengikut diinterpretasikan bahwa ia sudah berdosa terhadap pemimpin. Penulis pernah bercakap-cakap dengan salah satu pengikut aliran ini, dia menceritakan ia mengalami kecelakaan karena berdosa terhadap pemimpinnya. Hampir setiap kali ketemu dia bercerita bahwa ia mendapatkan kecelakaan yang lain lagi kerena berdosa terhadap pemimpin.
Setiap orang yang keluar dari organisasinya akan mengalami intimidasi dan ketakutan akan mendapatkan kutuk dari pemimpin. Hal ini terbukti dengan pengalaman salah seorang mahasiswa di sekolah yang saya ajar yang menjadi pengerja di sebuah gereja di Banjarnegara (penulis adalah dosen di Banyumas). Suatu hari ia menceritakan pengalamannya bertemu dengan pasangan suami istri yang sedang dilanda ketakutan, karena merasa berdosa terhadap pemimpinnya yang juga rektor STT di jogja tersebut. Dia lari karena ketakutan. Merasa kasihan, lalu mahasiswa kami melayani mereka dan meminta supaya mereka menceritakan ada masalah apa. Suami Istri tersebut tidak berani menceritakan dan berkata: “saya tidak berani bercerita sebab pemimpin saya itu maha tahu.” Lalu mahasiswa kami mengatakan dalam nama Yesus tidak apa-apa, sebab Saudara dilindungi TUhan Yesus.” Barulah suami Istri tersebut berani mengungkapkan ketakutannya terhadap kutukan dari pemimpin mereka. Setelah didoakan dan dimuridkan, hingga saat ini tidak terjadi hal-hal yang seperti mereka takutkan.
Siswa-siswa sekolah itu juga diajari klenik. Mereka diajak bertapa di tempat-tempat yang angker, seperti hutan, pantai, dll. Kabarnya pemimpin itu juga menguasai ilmu ngrogoh sukma, gendam, dan sanggup berbicara dengan binatang-binatang hutan. Selain itu sang pemimpin juga menyimpan batu-batu seperti akik, yang menurutnya batu-batu itu dijaga oleh ribuan malaikat. Orang-orang yang menyumbang dana yang cukup besar kepadanya akan diberi batu tersebut. Dalam perkembangannya dikatakan tidak demikian, tetapi menurut mahasiswanya pemimpin tersebut sedang meneliti kasiat batu-batu tersebut bagi kesehatan manusia. Tetapi tidak terbukti adanya penelitian yang telah dibuatnya dengan batu-batu tersebut, dan sang pemimpin sesungguhnya tidak memiliki kapasitas sebagai peneliti batu-batu, juga tidak memiliki peralatan laboratorium dan praktikum untuk meneliti batu-batu tersebut.
Murid-muridnya juga diajari semacam bahasa roh atau lebih tepatnya mantra, karena bahasa itu diucapkan selayaknya mantra, dan diucapkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan atau tingkat permasalahan. Jika suatu permasalahan mudah diucapkan 1x kemudian sebutkan permohonannya. Jika masalah berat baca mantera tersebut 3 x dan sebutkan permohonannya. Jika masalah itu klimaks, baca tujuh kali dan sebutkan permohonannya.
Pengajaran-pengajaran tersebut jelas-jelas bertentangan dengan Alkitab, dan iman Kristen. Tetapi entah mengapa sekolah itu di Izinkan berdiri dan mendapat SK dari BIMAS Kristen Protestan. Departemen Agama RI. Demikian juga gereja yagn didirikan mereka juga mendapat SK dari BIMAS KRISTEN. Kalau demikian BIMAS Kristen diubah saja kepanjangan dengan Bimbingan Mau Sesatkan Kristen. Organisasi ini bukan yang pertama. Gereja mormon sudah puluhan tahun di ijinkan secara legal, kemudian Saksi Yehowa.
Ketika ada beberapa orang yang mempertanyakan dalil-dalil ajaran mereka yang tidak sesuai dengan Alkitab mereka dengan entengnya menjawab, jika semua ditulis di dalam Alkitab seluruh buku di dunia juga tidak cukup. Mereka lupa bahwa Ulangan 29:29 mengatakan: Hal-hal yang tersembunyi ialah bagi TUHAN, Allah kita, tetapi hal-hal yang dinyatakan ialah bagi kita sampai selama-lamanya,… jadi mereka menambah-nambahi Alkitab dengan ajaran pemimpin mereka yang mereka akui dipimpin oleh Roh Kudus. Bukti kebenaran ajaran itu menurut mereka adalah Mukjizat yang dilakukan Pemimpin tersebut.
Pemujaan terhadap pemimpin juga sangat ditekankan, dan pengikutnya sangat patuh. Nubuat-nubuatnya diimani sebagai kebenaran, meskipun nubuatnya tersebut sering kali meleset. Contohnya: ada anak buahnya yang diutus melayani di Jember, menurutnya itu merupakan nubuat dari Tuhan. Ia dinubuatkan berhasil, dan jadi besar. Orang tua dari anak buahnya itu diminta untuk mendukung dana, dengan alasan: “kalau ibu tidak mendukung dana nanti akan menyesal, sebab anak ibu akan menjadi besar pelayanannya disana.” Ternyata nubuatannya itu tidak terlaksana, dan anak buahnya tersebut pulang membawa kegagalan. Tetapi kesetiaan kepada sang pemimpin tidak berubah. Sikap kritis yagn mempertanyakan nubuatan itu tidak ada.
Selain itu sikap pemujaan juga terlihat bahwa segala yang dilakukan pemimpin adalah benar, meskipun banyak saksi yang mengatakan bahwa ia salah. Ini terbukti banyak sekali orang-orang yang mengaku dilecehkan secara seksual, bahkan rekamannya juga ada. Tetapi banyak murid-murid yang tetap setia dan membela gurunya. Kekuasan pemimpin memang sangat menonjol dalam sekte ini, karena sehingga ia bahkan berhak menjodohkan atau juga memutuskan kepada siapa muridnya harus menikah.
Maksud pesan ini adalah para pembaca hati-hati terhadap penyesatan seperti ini. Mulai sekarang pelajari baik-baik Alkitab. Gereja-gereja perlu menekankan pengajaran yang kuat bukan hanya mengajarkan tentang mukjizat saja. Apa yang dilakukan pemimpin golongan ini sangat tepat dengan ciri-ciri bidat. Untuk mengetahui ciri-ciri bidat, baca